General Meeting of Shareholders
The General Meeting of Shareholders is the supreme governing body of Moscow Exchange. General Meetings adopt resolutions on strategic issues. The scope of questions related to the terms of reference of the General Meetings of Shareholders is determined by the Federal Law on Joint-Stock Companies and the Charter of Moscow Exchange.
In accordance with past practice, Moscow Exchange’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) was held on 27 April 2017 to adopt the following resolutions:
- approving Moscow Exchange’s annual report and accounting (financial) statements for 2016;
- cancelling the following special purpose funds previously established by the General Meeting of Shareholders of Moscow Exchange:
- Exchange development fund;
- Reserve fund for the FX Market;
- Reserve fund for the Equity & Bond Market;
- Reserve fund for the Standardized OTC Derivatives Market;
- Guarantee clearing fund for the Equity & Bond Market;
- Guarantee clearing fund for the Derivatives Market (equity derivatives);
- Guarantee clearing fund for the FX Market;
- Guarantee clearing fund for the Standardized OTC Derivatives Market;
- Capital development fund;
- Emergency fund;
- Risk fund for financial investment;
- Social development fund;
- electing members of the Supervisory Board and the Revision Commission;
- approving new editions of Moscow Exchange’s Charter and Provisions on the General Meeting of Shareholders, Supervisory Board and the Revision Commission;
- making decisions on the payment of remuneration to the members of the Supervisory Board and the Revision Commission for the 2016/2017 corporate year;
- approving transactions with Moscow Exchange’s subsidiaries and regular business partners that are, in accordance with the current legislation, considered related-party transactions;
- approving Deloitte & Touche CIS, a division of one of the world’s largest international accounting firms, as the company’s auditor for 2017;
- adopting a resolution on profit distribution and dividend payments for 2016, with the dividend amount standing at RUB 7.68 per ordinary share;
- approving the decrease of Moscow Exchange’s share capital by cancelling repurchased shares.
interim dividends
Shareholders at an EGM voted to pay out an interim dividend of RUB 2.49 per share